Church SOS is a unique concept of church. Church by definition is simply a body of believers in Jesus who gather together on a regular basis to worship, serve and follow Him, Christ, the blessed Lord and Savior of all the world, the Son of the Living God, wherever He might lead them. As a whole, churches tend to gather at a “single fixed point,” owning or renting a building where ministry activities take place, with part of the ministry often involving going out in the local or wider community to serve others. Church SOS ministered in this manner for 15 years. Then, through a series of hardships, which we see as being tests, we were shown a different path, the path of becoming a “mobile multi-point church,” a church without walls, a church that exists without a single fixed point, and travels from place to place. Our monastic comunities will minister in the same manner, being gathered in various communities to minister to those around them. We minister on the North and South Shores of Massachusetts, with Boston in the center, an area rich with history, including the history of people with deep faith in Jesus . Those in our Community will be called Sisters of Our Savior just as SOS is not only the symbol of those in need but also stands for the Society of Our Savior.
Each Convent will have a yard for relaxation and meditation, with vegetables and fruit being produced, if possible, for use at the house or sold for its support. The title of each Convent will be “The Convent of Christ Our Savior” followed by the name of the city or town in which the House is located. Convents will be rented property, not purchased, with the understanding that if the landlord requires the property back for any reason, or if the House is outgrown or affected by other circumstances the community, trusting in God’s provision, will move to another location. Renting rather than owning property and living simply will allow us to focus our time and money more completely on those in need.
Each of the monastic communities will have its own chapel, from a simple warmly furnished room to something larger and more ornate, where worship services will take place three times a day. It will also be a quiet and peaceful place for private prayer, reading and mediation. House will also have a library for study and inspiration, filled with books on the Bible, church history, lives of the saints, theology, literary classics and inspirational reading and more. Down through the ages in the Old and New Testament periods and throughout the long history of the church, Christ’s Body here on earth, individuals and groups of dedicated believers in our blessed Lord have, in ways quiet or ways bold, spread His blessed Word of truth and their stories, teachings and ideas offer a great inspiration to all of us, and through us, to others. In addition, the attainment of knowledge is vital to the deepest fulfillment of a dedicated life and thus study will be a vital part of each day and our libraries will be a big part of this study. And, each House will have a small gym. Just as it is important to care for and the spirit (chapel) and mind (library), so it is important and helpful to exercise the body (gym), making us happier, healthier, more relaxed and more effective.
Each Sister’s day will be a meaningful and well-organized schedule of prayer, study, ministry, work and physical activity designed to care for the spirit, mind and body of each Sister, and will include working in the community, for each Sister will share equally in the financial support of the House, and this will give opportunities to further minister to people in the local community. All of this will be a blessing to you in your walk with Christ, and will allow you to be a blessing to others in Christ’s Name. It will include much quiet time, allowing each Sister to really worship the Lord and to hear His voice.
Because eating a meal together in companionable silence can be very uplifting and can build relationship in a special way, breakfast will be silent with music and lunch will be silent with Sisters taking turns reading aloud. Music and reading aloud can both speak to the souls of individuals and help us be in the presence of God while at the same time bonding with one another. And, in order to give an opportunity for fellowship and relationship building, speaking will be allowed at dinner. All Sisters will take part in preparing, serving and cleaning up after meals on a rotating basis as well as all housekeeping responsibilities.